

在多数情况下,只要在形容词字尾加 ly 即可形成副词。

形容词 副词
cheap cheaply
quick quickly
slow slowly

如果形容词字尾是 y,则去掉 y 再加 ly 即可。

形容词 副词
easy easily
angry angrily
happy happily
lucky luckily

如果形容词是以 able丶ible 或 le 结尾,则把 e 去掉再加 y 即可。

形容词 副词
probable probably
terrible terribly
gentle gently

如果形容词是以 ic 结尾,就加上 ally。但有例外:public -> publicly

形容词 副词
basic basically
tragic tragically
economic economically

有些副词和形容词同形:early丶fast丶hard丶high丶late丶near丶straight 以及 wrong

  • It is a fast car.
  • He drives very fast.
  • This is a hard exercise.
  • He works hard.
  • We saw many high buildings.
  • The bird flew high in the sky.

well 也是副词,相当于形容词的 good。

  • He is a good student.
  • He studies well.
  • She is a good pianist.
  • She plays the piano well.
  • They are good swimmers.
  • They swim well.