
在英语中,「brackets」和「parentheses」指的都是括号,因此容易混淆。一般来说,parentheses 指的是圆括号 ( ),而 brackets 指的是方括号 [ ]。然而,现在的人已经倾向直接称圆括号为「round brackets」,而方括号则称为「square brackets」。


  • The government's education report (April 2005) shows that the level of literacy is rising in nearly all areas.
  • I visited Kathmandu (which was full of tourists) on my way to the Himalayas for a trekking expedition.
  • You can eat almost anything while travelling in Asia if you are careful to observe simple rules (avoiding unboiled or unbottled water is one of the main rules to be aware of.)