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EF 灵活工作及学习项目
EF 灵活工作及学习项目

EF 灵活工作及学习项目

20 Lessons / week

16 General Language Lessons

02 Project Sessions

02 Lecture Sessions

  • 课程级别:
  • Start Date:
    Every 6 weeks
  • Length:
    4 to 12 weeks
  • Online pre-course:
    From enrollment

Study on your terms as you continue your job remotely from your chosen destination. Specially designed with the busy professional in mind, you can continue your job remotely and take your language classes in morning or evening blocks, depending on what suits your schedule.

Our campuses are equipped with designated co-working spaces, ideally suited to remote work. You'll also get the opportunity to mingle and network with other like-minded professionals from around the world.

秋季、冬季、春季开课: 伦敦、曼彻斯特、马耳他、马拉加

EF Learning Guarantee
通常情况:在您参加了全部课程并完成全部作业的前提下,每六周的时间,您的语言将提升一个等级,有时候甚至会进步更快! 我们创新的教学方法旨在帮助学生取得最大的进步。 否则,我们将免费让您学习直到达到预期水平。*语言提升的速度除英语外会因不同语言的差别而有所差异。